• https://mlhujteue4df.i.optimole.com/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/ig:avif/https://maharishi.online/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Screenshot-2020-05-06-at-12.35.59.png



    With Dr Peter Warburton

    • https://mlhujteue4df.i.optimole.com/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/ig:avif/https://maharishi.online/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Screenshot-2020-05-06-at-12.35.59.png

      “The Revelatory Power” will be the culmination of all the Maharishi.Online Total Knowledge courses during 2020 and 2021 and a special treat for those who have participated in one or more of Dr Warburton’s courses during this period.

      Through Maharishi.Online we have enjoyed an amazing series of online courses during the past year – starting with the original three-part series on Total Knowledge and, subsequently, in courses examining the lives of great thinkers and leaders, the great cultures and religions of the world, as well as courses expounding the highest Vedic wisdom contained in the Bhagavad-Gita, Upanishads, and Brahma Sutra, all in the light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge.

      The experience has been that repeated exposure to Maharishi’s Total Knowledge leads to a consolidation in the learning process, refreshing the knowledge in ways that lead to ever deeper levels of understanding and experience. “The Revelatory Power” takes that journey to a new level for all fortunate enough to participate.

      We will enjoy new and precious archival recordings of Maharishi, new charts – with some, we will actually see Maharishi drawing them – as well as fresh stories from Dr Warburton’s many years of studying with Maharishi.

      It will be a great joy to tread this journey together – for student and teacher alike!

      Saha na vavatu, Saha nau bhunaktu, Saha viryam karavavahai,
      Tejasvi na vadhitamastu, Ma vidvishavahaih.
      Om Shanti Shanti Shantih

      Let us be together, Let us eat together, Let us be vital together,
      Let us be radiating truth, radiating the light of life,
      Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity.

      Introductory verse for Upanishads of Kṛiṣhṇa Yajur-Veda

      Dr Peter Warburton currently oversees the Transcendental Meditation® organization in several countries, including the UK, Bulgaria, UAE, and Zambia. He has a Master’s Degree in social and political sciences from Cambridge University and a doctorate in Supreme Political Science from Maharishi University of World Peace.

      Dr Warburton worked closely with Maharishi, Founder of Transcendental Meditation, for 36 years. Maharishi personally trained Dr Warburton to offer courses in Total Knowledge, which present the full range of Maharishi’s knowledge in a delightful manner that requires no special prerequisite other than practising Transcendental Meditation.

      In more normal times, Dr Warburton travels extensively to teach Maharishi’s Total Knowledge in many parts of the globe. These courses are in great demand internationally – from Australasia, to Asia, to Europe, and to North America.


      Not a self-help course... a Self Realisation course. – A.A

      With each repeat of the Total Knowledge course, the charts become MORE dear, MORE clear - an Absolute celebration! – K.D

      The course is a profound, transformative experience and a thrill within your own consciousness. – A.M.C

      I have done many Total Knowledge courses before but each time something more falls into place. – G.M

      I greatly enjoyed Raja Peter’s charming, meticulous, and faithful presentation of Maharishi’s unique and wonderfully complete cognition of Veda and the dynamics of creation within the grand Wholeness of Brahm. – R.C

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