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    PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS in the light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge

    With Dr Peter Warburton

    • https://mlhujteue4df.i.optimole.com/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/ig:avif/https://maharishi.online/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/dr-warburton.jpg

      Deepest knowledge to gain mastery of the mechanics of creation

      For all TM Meditators, Sidhas and Teachers


      This fascinating course, developed by Dr Warburton at the request of Maharishi, will go deeply into the unique knowledge of the Yoga Sutras from the comprehensive perspective of unmanifest and manifest, Being and becoming.

      The course will provide the deepest spiritual wisdom along with practical insight into Maharishi’s technologies to develop higher states of consciousness.


      1. How the Yoga Sutras emerge from the field of Total knowledge, the Veda, Transcendental Consciousness, and the purpose they serve in life
      2. The remarkable connection between the Yoga Sutras and the human brain and physiology, as brought to light by Dr Tony Nader under the guidance of Maharishi, and the practical significance of this discovery
      3. What the Yoga Sutras tell us about the fine details of the functioning of our own consciousness, including the effortless manifestation of desire
      4. The vast array of practical wisdom of the functioning of body, senses, mind, intellect and ego contained in the “Eight Limbs of Yoga”, as presented in the Yoga Sutras
      5. The amazing potential of this knowledge to transform the whole world – to change the trends of time from an age of ignorance to the Age of Enlightenment


      We do something for ourselves — we make our self more and more awake in itself. And in this performance, we create a ground for all success to everyone everywhere on earth. … And for that the technique we are using is more and more and more enlightenment to our own conscious awareness. Enlightening ourselves, we radiate light.

      We look to ourselves, and when we look to others, we look upon them as the lively boundaries of our own self, the lively waves of our own selves. That is our performance morning and evening.

      – Maharishi, 1 Oct 1980


      12 Sessions of 90 mins

      Access to Course Archive available for 3 months after the course ends

      Course Fee £75

      Some course participant feedback from the last Maharishi.online course with Dr Warburton:

      “It has been a rare privilege to have had Dr Warburton recount how Maharishi shared his deepest knowledge of all, and to go into it at leisure and in detail. The course provided an intuitively warming insight into Maharishi’s own consciousness, and how his unique exposition of the finest fabrics of reality emerged from that ultimately refined and expansive awareness, and in all simplicity.” – C.C.

      “The revelation has come, not, in my case, on the level of the intellect, but it has come to a far deeper place of all knowingness beyond the intellect. Now, I feel I/we have been given the Lamp at the Door with which we may see the internal and the eternal reality – the Totality, Brahm.” – B.A.

      “The lessons dive into such deep, abstract concepts that I find myself floating at a subtle level, just letting the knowledge wash over me and absorbing it to some degree intellectually and to some degree more by osmosis. Raja Peter’s depth of comprehension of all of Maharishi’s knowledge allows him to make so many of the concepts that I have heard over the years more clear and understandable. I find that very fulfilling.” – S.M.

      “They say the mark of a good teacher is the ability to distil a vast amount of knowledge and make it accessible for beginners. Raja Peter is a master teacher! (I was astonished that he could make the 10 Brahms comprehensible in less than 45 minutes.).” – S.R.

      “This course lives up to its name!! With a thorough grounding in the full Total Knowledge spectrum, Raja Peter zooms us into the very inner sanctum of Maharishi’s deepest commentary on the Total Knowledge charts he created, and reveals the secret, even finer fabrics of ourselves and our unity with All That There Is, manifest and the unmanifest from which it springs.” – C.B.


      12 Sessions of 90 mins

      Access to Course Archive available for 3 months after the course ends

      Course Fee £75

      Payment by debit/credit card using the online booking link only please

      Suitable for all TM Meditators, Sidhas, and TM Teachers

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