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    in the Light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge

    With Dr Peter WarburtonDr Vernon Katz

    • https://mlhujteue4df.i.optimole.com/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/ig:avif/https://maharishi.online/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Screenshot-2020-05-06-at-12.35.59.png
    • https://mlhujteue4df.i.optimole.com/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/ig:avif/https://maharishi.online/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Vernon-6.jpg


      Kasminnu bhagavo vigyate sarvam idam vigyatam bhavatiti – Mundaka Upanishad 1.1.3

      Commenting on this verse from the Upanishads on 11 May 2007, Maharishi said: “What do we have in this? We have one phrase of Upanishadic value: ‘Know that one thing, by knowing which, everything can be known’. And where you know that? You know that where you are. You don’t have to hunt it around the forest. You don’t have to go out. You know That. You know thyself. You know thyself. Know thyself. The technique is, ‘Close your eyes and transcend’. When you want to do anything, you open your eyes, and be in the wonderful, wondrous world; you wonder, wonder, wonder. You wander, you wander, you wander outside. There is no end to the wandering, you keep on wandering. And you close your eyes, and you know yourself. Transcend – self-referral.”

      The first course on “Upanishads in the Light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge”, offered by Maharishi.online last December, was a great success, as evidenced by the comments below of the course participants. In fact, it was such a great success that many of the participants requested a continuation of the course, looking at further sections of the Upanishads, along with Maharishi’s commentary, and their connection to Total Knowledge.

      The structure of the sessions for the course created a most blissful experience for the participants, and this will be continued in the new course. This includes listening to the Maharishi Vedic Pandits reciting the Upanishads, learning to recite key expressions from the Upanishads favoured by Maharishi, delightful recorded talks of Dr Vernon Katz on the topic, deep talks of Maharishi, and discussion with Dr Peter Warburton in the context of the total overview of Maharishi’s Vedic Science provided in the Total Knowledge charts.


      • The systematic exposition of Total Knowledge contained in the Upanishads
      • Historic footage of Maharishi on the Upanishads
      • Insights and stories from Dr Vernon Katz (archival)
      • Exposition of Maharishi’s favourite verses from the Upanishads
      • Pronunciation and recitation of key verses

      The special advisor to the course, Dr Tom Egenes, will not be able to join in person this time due to commitments at Maharishi International University but he will continue to provide guidance, and the course will include some of his special recorded talks on this topic.

      “The Upanishads are so inspiring. It is obvious when you study the Upanishads that it is supreme wisdom taking the form of conversations and stories that reveal the true nature of Brahm, Totality.” – Dr. Vernon Katz

      Dr Katz, together with Dr Tom Egenes, has published the well-received A New Translation, The Upanishads (Tarcher Penguin). The latter is the recommended text for this course and is available for download on iBooks and Kindle.

      Dr Peter Warburton currently oversees the Transcendental Meditation® organization in several countries, including the UK, Bulgaria, UAE, and Zambia. He has a Master’s Degree in social and political sciences from Cambridge University and a doctorate in Supreme Political Science from Maharishi University of World Peace.

      Dr Warburton worked closely with Maharishi, Founder of Transcendental Meditation, for 36 years. Maharishi personally trained Dr Warburton to offer courses in Total Knowledge, which present the full range of Maharishi’s knowledge in a delightful manner that requires no special prerequisite other than practising Transcendental Meditation.

      In more normal times, Dr Warburton travels extensively to teach Maharishi’s Total Knowledge in many parts of the globe. These courses are in great demand internationally – from Australasia, to Asia, to Europe, and to North America.

      Dr Vernon Katz is author of two highly acclaimed volumes about the Brahma Sutras entitled Conversations with Maharishi (M.I.U. Press). Together with Dr Egenes, he has also published the well-received A New Translation, The Upanishads (Tarcher Penguin)

      Dr Katz is currently a trustee emeritus of M.I.U., as well as a visiting professor in the Department of Maharishi Vedic Science. He received his doctorate from Oxford University. Dr. Katz spent many years with Maharishi and assisted him with the translation and commentary of the Bhagavad-Gita and of the Brahma Sutras.


      11 x 75-minute sessions, recorded live between 5 – 30 March 2021

      Access available for 3 months

      Course Fee £45

      Payment by debit/credit card using the online booking link only please

      Suitable for all TM Meditators, Sidhas, and TM Teachers


      I was absolutely clueless about Upanishads before taking the course but being in lockdown and knowing that I would watch some videos from Dr Katz got me interested so I went to the free taster session. From beginning to end, I felt that real Truth was talking to me. I had such a wonderful experience that I didn't think twice to sign up and then buy the Dr Katz & Dr Egenes' Upanishads book. I have had experiences of fullness in each lesson, I felt I understood every single verse and the Vedic chantings were reverberating on my physiology. I enjoyed every second of this course and I will go to the recordings over and over. – N.F.

      I loved learning the pronunciations of the Vedic Expressions! The tapes of Maharishi are always a treat as are Dr Warbuton's explanations that make everything so clear! I also truly value how this course expanded on and made clearer the things learned in Total Knowledge. – T.L.

      I found everything about the course to be enchanting and uplifting. – D.C.

      The Knowledge was encrusted in gold.

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